Friday, April 22, 2011

Imparting Financial Knowledge to Kids

Kids are always found to be fascinated by money. The hold a belief that money can give them all happiness, because they are able to satisfy all their demands through it. Indeed, but before they could spend money themselves, they ought to learn its intrinsic value and most importantly how to save it. Often parents are negligent about talking about monetary their affairs in front of their children. They have a conviction that their kids are not yet that mature to comprehend about money issues. But, as a matter of fact, it is never late to begin. The earlier you start teaching them about financial matter, the easier it becomes for them to grasp it.

Kids Saving Money
Learning about money is a prerequisite part of the life. Adults at sometimes or the other in life encounter severe financial hurdles and turmoil related to savings, investments, budgeting etc. Hence learning business and finance at an early age would help your kid to acquire a mastery over this task. This would eventually enable him to emerge to be a rational and even judgmental when it comes to money.

Below are some useful tips to follow:

  1. Kids are likely to reciprocate well if they are exemplified with some real life examples. You can perhaps ask them to research on the market and choose a certain product. After they select a product, you can ask them to sell them amongst their peer group within a particular time limit. On completion, guide them to prepare a report of what they learnt from their experience.
  2. It is very essential that your child adopt the saving culture as early as possible. Children have a tendency to imitate their elders. the As a guardian, you set yourself as an example to your kid. Ask them to begin by saving some amount of their pocket money. Give them a money box or a piggy bank so that they can deposit their money there. Most kids do not have the idea as to why they should save money. Teach them about this through games, toys, books and television.
  3. Rewarding for some task works the best with kids. Set goals for them and give them the incentive on achieving that. They love to drop cents and nickels in piggy bank.
  4. The most important thing is teaching them the rule of patience. Kids get tempted with toys and games. Whenever your kid asks you to buy his favorite game, instead of buying him immediately, ask him to save money for it within a fortnight. This way he will learn to wait before buying things and save money as well.
Money management is a gradual procedure which needs consistency and practice over time. These are few of the tips that can help you to gain some ideas to begin with. But being a parent, you can find innovative ways to deal with your child in order to make them financially literate on the long run.

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